Tuesday, April 19, 2016


It has been a pretty long time since I have wrote anything. Life is this beautiful, emotional rollercoaster that stops for no one. All I can think to say is, after a long hard look at life , no one can save you, no one has a magical solution to your problems. No one except you. I became so fed up with spiritual preachers and gurus trying to give a formula for life when it just makes their wallets fatter. They want you to bury your head in the sand, ignore life's problems with the gloss of "positivity" and pay them for guidance. Yet, if you look deep into their lives you will see it doesn't really work for them either, they are just as hurt, effed up, and seeking as you are. Money is just the motivation. The truth is life can suck, it can be unfair, we get sick, we have pain, we hurt, we seek. I won't give you an explanation of why, and I sure won't use ancient books to assist me in forming a theory that won't do much good in reality. I will say I have learned I do have choice, I do have it in me to keep going, to be hopeful. I also break down and that's okay because it is just part of life. No one is any better than anyone no matter how they try to sell it to you. When we let go of all judgments, when we let go of all expectations placed by others, religion, society, and make our own damn choices that make us happy and our life better. That's freedom. At least it is for me. I realized my biggest problem was wanting someone to tell me how to be good, how to be okay, how to be normal, loveable, happy..  I tried it all, I did what I was told over and over. Only to find nothing really changed. So now I am not seeing a person, a savior, a god. I am living my life, I am living however the hell I want , knowing fully of consequences of course ( yes I believe in morals LOL) . I am finally saying fuck you to all the "spiritual leaders, gurus, teachers" and to the ancient books etc. Fuck the self help, fuck the crazy cults ( in all religions) who want to feed on your fears to get your money and obedience.. I am free. You are free. All my searching has led right back to me. Friend, you in all your good and bad are fine. Stop beating yourself up. Stop searching for someone to tell you that you are worthy , or good enough. You are. Right now . So that is my rant. Other than learning this huge lesson, I just keep letting go and rolling with life. No one can escape life no matter who you pray to, what you believe, who your teacher is. If they tell you different , they are lying and I'm sure just want you to keep coming back. Can things make it easier to get through life? Of course! Thinking positive helps to cope, praying gives on the idea of not being alone, and so on. Yet, there is this beautiful free place you reach when you stop striving for all of that. You let life go as it will, and you can accept it.
So there you have it. I'm not sure when I will be back here again, so many things coming along in life there isn't much time for writing. Until next time much love to you.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

My problem.

I am back, I am trying to figure out what direction to take this , and everything in my life. What people have always hated about me is that I don't just sit quiet or turn a blind eye. Let me explain, since as far back as I can remember I have been a fighter, not just drama, beating up others lol. I mean a fighter for truth and rights. I swear I was just born this way. In elementary school my first boyfriends were African American, and I remember going head on with family, outsiders , and defending my rights and the rights of others.
I was in high school , whenever I witnessed a bully picking on someone , I was right there, yes sometimes it became physical but to me , you can do what you want, I won't stay quiet. I joined many groups as a teenager, against big corporate America, I joined Peta since I was also a vegetarian back then, I join feminist groups... you name it lol.

So when I joined the Christian cult , yes at times I did struggle with the mind control and damn I just wanted to fit in lol, but 80% of the time I was studying to show how wrong they were, I was forming womens groups where other women in this cult could come vent and see the madness they were living in. Even if they didn't leave, I know my words made them think long and hard. I was always questioning people there, making them think. I was labeled , I was smeared, I really didn't care.

Here I am today and yes I use social media as a platform for speaking my views, but is that enough? I am coming to the realization that I was created this way for a reason, hell who knows, maybe I was an big activist in my past lives, speaking out against the horrors of humanity. I know that I have tried to stay quiet and peaceful. So many have tried to make me seem dramatic, or stirring the pot because I can't stick my head in the sand and just live a life for myself. I actually detest others who can easily do that. If you are in a position right now where you are 1. white 2. living in America 3. not living in total poverty or strung out etc, then how?? how can you rest at night? How can you wake up each day and only think of yourself? You get up each day and all you think about is you, how will you be successful? How do you feel? What can you do for you? ugh! This world is falling apart. I am in no way saying to live in fear, or to go around hating others. You are free to be your selfish self , to take all you can get out of this Capitalist Corporate America who has no interest in you, who is not looking out for your best , you are cattle. America is the best human farm we have. You are bred the same way cattle are on a farm, they use to for their profit, they make you think you have what little freedoms they offer, you are brainwashed into thinking all you see is all there is. What a shame.

Then some get this idea and they are all " oh we have it so good, we are so free, Jesus gives us abundance", seriously? You think the way the world is , that it is freedom? You are forced to live in the confinements they place on you and you think that is as good as it gets. Even if the system worked for me, even if I bought into the illusion that all life is about is the junk the media and internet places in front of me, a big house , a few nice cars, I can vacation, I can have materialistic things, send my kids to the best school so they can join this rat race too... I would still not be okay with the system and how it keeps the poor down and works for the 1%.

This illusion does not appeal to me at all, real freedom does, a world where we get to do what we were meant to do. Live on this land equally that we all have a right to. Not pay big banks to live in their homes, on the governments land! To be able to chose how I live, If I want to go build a house on some land and not hook up to big utility government run corporations, I should be able to , grow my own food etc. Nope, not anymore! This is not allowed anymore. You are forced to live their illusion that only benefits them. As far as the way other humans are treated, yeah it makes me sick so many bury their heads in the sand. Other races, addicts, the poor, the media makes you believe they are the enemy.

I know this fire in me burns for a reason and I know it is time for me to do something. Focusing on trying to have the best life inside this false reality is something I have never been good at, brainwashing is real and I hope many more wake up. I read something recently and it said, I don't fear the guys with the funny mustaches or crazy hair, I fear the millions of blind, brainwashed average people that put them in power. What so many fail to see is when we stop living their false reality and we the people demand things change, they will. We are the puppets but we can cut the strings.

So I am studying and learning all I can about politics, corporations, reading up on Marx, I am putting together a plan of action, I refuse to live this placid life. If it means living the life of a minimalist and not feeding corporate America then I will to the best of my ability. If it means speaking out at every chance, then I will, if it means blogging, writing, whatever , I will. The time is here for change, it will happen for or against us, I will not get to the end of my life and regret doing nothing.  I will live this life to the fullest , in MY own way, and fighting for others as well. 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

From within

I have taken about a 10 day hide a way, sometimes deep change is needed and to face the demons inside is not easy. So yesterday I felt so much better and thought okay it is time to get with it again. Stop letting each day go by keeping all your ideas, dreams, creativity inside. Today I was driving home from my daily dropping kids off at school, I was talking out loud to my angels, the god and goddess .. I couldn't shake this irritation, this nagging sadness. I asked to see, please let me see.

By the time I got in the door , I went to my altar , I was still speaking, I pulled cards that showed some guidance, instead of gratitude I still have this lingering feeling of discontent. This has happened to me two other times in my life and when it does it totally changes me ( for the good) . All of the sudden these memories start flashing through my mind, someone is speaking to me , showing me so much all at once, the tears start to flow. It is this huge overwhelming feeling of gratitude and feeling sorry for my actions. I was again shown me. I was able to see again how I allowed myself to bring my life to where it ended up. What does this do? It allows you to realize that you do create your reality. It lets me see where my hate, pride, control effected others and that in turn effected my life in a negative way.

This lightbulb goes off, the clouds clear away, and I am overflowing with gratitude, gratitude that I can see, that I now have the tools to change and not keep creating the painful things I claim to despise. No more putting up a fake wall and then behind the scene hating myself and everything. It causes you to be as real and human as you can be. Some would never admit this, yet I know how amazing it is to catch a glimpse of yourself and know that you are the cause for your own demise. It is so damn easy to point outward, to blame outside of you and look outside of you for the remedy.

That will not get you anywhere. Spiritual bypassing won't do either. Just by diving into a religion ( you can do it in any religion) will not change you or heal you. The problem is people do not want go deep inside, they would rather bypass the hard work and just throw out some bible verses or some cliché saying. They would rather live blind, still have the same demons seething right under the surface but use positive thinking, jesus, yoga or whatever to cover them
up and keep going. Oh friend they will not go away just because you can say positive affirmations, or recite bible verses.

This is why when I get to this place I can either sit in self pity or I can be so grateful for this opportunity to change and grow. The thing I am most grateful is knowing I could have made some really awful choices while my ego was raging , I almost threw away the most important things in my life because I thought they were not worthy of me anymore, how sick is that ?? If I would have given up and ran away , I would not be experiencing the amazing life I have now, it has turned out to be the best thing in my life and brings me the most joy, yet I was so wrapped up in myself , my ego, and trying to grasp for happiness outside of myself I almost threw it away.

So today I just have to say let the light shine inward. Whatever demons come up, don't deny them, don't run in fear, accept them and just be willing to change. Then have gratitude you were able to see. We are all spirits in these bodies , sadly we all have pain bodies full of shit , yet they are here to help us on this journey so don't ignore them. Allow them to guide you and to help you grow. The thing about me that so many hate is I am an open book, I don't hide my demons, and when I see the shit in me I love when it comes to the light, I love calling it out and saying adios. I have known for years the deep transformation that follows. I did have to realize though that you don't reach a goal in this matter while in this body lol. I thought the first time was it, I felt on top of the world. I stopped, I stopped being grateful, I started to again expect others to be and do something great for me, when they failed I went down hard.  So, I will always remember this day just like the other two I was able to experience.

Whatever you are feeling today just ask to see what is really lying under it? Emotions are there to guide us, they are like our built in alarm system to say " hey something is a miss in you and you really need to check it out", yet we usually just look at the emotion most present and go with that. If you are sad, you just focus on that surface alarm. The sadness is there to show you something inside, something deeper that needs your attention. It could be a thought you had, an action you did that was out of alignment.. Just don't keep ignoring it.

Well friends , I am off for whatever adventure lies ahead on this day, have a great day!

Love, light, and blessings to you.

Shawna Marrie

Friday, February 19, 2016

Alan Watts is where it's at !!

I have something amazing for you all on this beautiful Friday. If you have ever or still do question religion, what you believe?? Do you need a real historical worldview of Christianity?? Please go listen to this video on YouTube, Alan Watts on Jesus and Christianity. It is exactly what my long, deep studies have led me to believe . It makes you step out of your box and the little worldview you have been given only based on your environment. It is awesome! Thank you goddess for people like Alan Watts who actually studied for years and years all religion and were strong enough to think outside of this western culture. You won't be disappointed!

Have  a great weekend!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Valentines, parenting, and more oh my!

I am back, It has been a few days, we had a lot going on ( did I mention I have 5 kids?). This weekend was full, I had a group at my home Friday night with meditation, healing work, card readings, a house full of kids running around, my daughters boyfriend sort of took residence ( she is 15 and NO I don't mean staying the night lol just hanging out with us). I had a family valentines party with a ton of sweets and good food. It was just what I love, a house full of people soaking up the love, eating good food, and having fun. I hope your heart day was great too! I'm not one to be all mushy because love should be celebrated everyday , but I am happy to say my gift from hubby is a new tattoo I will be getting in a couple hours, sweet huh!!

My ADD is kicking into gear so let me get back on track , so many things I want to write about but I need to organize my brain! I have an open letter to single moms, a budget meal plan to share for those with a large family who are vegetarians like us,  Tim Leary, Ram Dass , and Eckhart Toll have my mind in high gear! I will however limit this post to love, and parenting, you are welcome :)

I see you out there, I see you struggling to make it through the day. Somewhere along the way this very wrong victim idea took over Maybe it was not feeling loved or seen as a child? Maybe it was a traumatic event that you took upon yourself and it has turned against you, causing you to hate yourself. I see you at the brink of the abyss, then you run away. You use your god as a coping tool, similar to an addiction. Anything to lessen the load, to help you feel love and self worth, the victim always needs a savior, yet how will ever stand on your own feet when you engulf yourself in the lies that you are so unworthy, you swallow the poison that you can't do anything, be anything without someone doing it for you. You can't love you but you feel okay in only getting relief from a guy in the sky??

When did you believe this lie? When did you fall into this trap and heed the words of others that are sick too?? You have the ability in you to move mountains, you are made of the same stuff as the moon and stars, why can't you love you? You are worthy, you are not broken, you are not a victim and you are god, you are made of god. Fully capable, fully reliable. Remember that our words are our bond, we have to live what we speak into creation, the scary part is others are also being effected by words. If you listen to the words of others and let it create a world for you where you a hopeless, helpless victim, friend you will be trapped.

We seek a god, we seek a human. In fact the one thing we should strive for in any relationship is this idea that we think we know who we are, we think we know who others are ( we only look at ego) and then we say "you can do this for me, I will do this for you and we will be happy. This is a trap , you get sucked in and it is a war of ego. Now, we also have the giver receiver mentality, the giver is usually getting rewards in feelings, then they are also usually enabling to receiver in some way. Their is a way to be, where we are self sufficient and we can just hold space for others, no givers, no receivers, we hold space for each other. When we can just sit and be, listen with heart, no judging, no labels and both with the realization that to be anything more is to sink into ego. This is the same mentality with god, some are such victims that their god just keeps enabling them, instead of all the false feelings they gain, they are actually restricted from finding real life, real purpose, and freedom.

Love is so much more that what we humans can fathom. It is not ego, it isn't just a feeling, it isn't being a giver or receiver, it isn't feeling worthless so that some god can give you false security. Love is letting go, love is the detachment and pure beauty for everything and everyone. This deep gratitude for everyone and everything. Knowing pure love is beating through all of us and we are all connected by this love. It is freedom, without restrictions, it is saying you be you , you find yourself and I will hold this space for you expecting nothing in return.

Now where does this come into parenting? Let me tell you a little of my experience. I was originally taught under a Christian mentality that as parents you are to totally control your children. That they have no clue what is best, they are too naive and the devil will snatch them up if you aren't a hawk over them at all times. Then if they try to push these very stern, structured, controlled life, well you beat them into submission, you "break their wills". It is sick and luckily I could never harm my children , then got away from a crazy ex along with his family who had lived this way many years. Children are built in with an inner guidance system. They do everything at a fast rate without our help at all, they live inside water for 9 months, they come through the birth process, they learn to sit, crawl, walk, eat, and a million things by age 5. Then we have the audacity to think they become stupid and we need to be their god. It is when real love comes in that we can bypass this ... Stay tuned for part two when I give some personal experience in the life of parenting 5 kids.

So much love, light, and blessings to you!!
Shawna Marrie

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Meet Up!

Hello beautiful people! Wanted to let you all know I now have a Meet Up group! It is called Archeologist of the soul sessions. It is mainly for women but I decided to have 2 a month, one for women and one coed. I know how important it is to have a tribe, even though I am a Leo and very independent, I always have one super close friend, and a lot of "friends" but I am not a clingy getting super attached person... Yet, I know we all need someone, and it is awesome to be part of a community.
We will have guided meditation, a discussion on a topic, tarot/oracle card readings, mini healing sessions, mini past life sessions, cutting soul ties sessions, astrology stuff like reading our birth charts, moon rituals, and so much more! The main thing is to encourage, love, and help each other grow. To create a very trusting loving , safe place for us to learn together and open up, most of all heal together.
If you are local and would like to join please do!! If you know anyone that would like to join please invite them as well!!

Shawna Marrie

Just a quick thought...

I'm waiting for my daughter to get out of school, listening to different uplifting videos.. Everything from Tim Leary to Eckhart Toll. One thing that stuck out was if you fight life it will fight you back. Now when you get off track you can usher in so much religious junk that can blind you even further from the core issue.

See I am a Leo and my rising sign is Taurus. That's a lot of stubborn lol. When I decided to stop fighting, to stop engaging in others madness.. The one thing I still refuse to do is run back like a dog with my tail between my legs, with false humility, making it again seem " I am the one who is wrong, or who got off track, or who needed to get straighten out ".. See when people who are blind, then use what's blinding them to hate you, its a mess! I will not enable others, I will not engage their minds to think my choices are wrong and theirs are right. Its honestly irrelevant who is right or wrong because it doesn't exist!
What does exist is the illusion of control people try to hold over others heads so they will conform.

I won't play that game. See I love my life, choices, everything.. I love these people who throw Jesus around like a game ( poor guy he can't catch a break) I find it sad that instead of loving them and letting them reject or accept ( you can't control that) some just run back in fear, false humility, and give the impression they were the guilty party for daring to live their own life, think for them self, or gasp... Believe different. So in short I will love, I will not engage, but if I can't be accepted for me.. Bye Felicia! No more fake, no more fear, no more lies!